Fetching Data with async/await in a React Component

Fetching data from a resource, such as a JSON API is a common thing these days, and so is the use of asynchronous (async) functions that avoid locking up applications.

In React components, async functions have some additional caveats to keep in mind that –if left unchecked– can introduce memory leaks or race conditions.

In this article, we’ll be covering a small app that fetches articles from an API and lists them out. We’ll take a look at async functions in a React component, address caveats, and checkout making our function reusable as a custom React hook.

This article will cover:
💚 Async/Await use in a React component
💚 Writing cleaner code with custom hooks
💚 Testing async/await in Jest 👩‍🔬

✔ Familiar with functional React component basics
✔ Basic understanding of async/await

A Simple A* Pathfinding Algorithm

Pathfinding is a fundamental tool commonly used to move characters around a map intelligently. Here I will be going over the A* algorithm written in C++.

It’s important to visualize how the pathfinding algorithms search for the most efficient path. Here is a neat demo using a JavaScript library called Pathfinding.js. By playing with Pathfinder.js, you should notice that the algorithm first tries to go straight for the end point and only when it hits a blocked node will it look for nodes that follow a less direct path.

The Algorithm

In a nutshell, the A* algorithm uses a graph of nodes that have a weight associated to them used to weigh paths from the start node to the end node.

What weight represents is arbitrary, since A* can be applied to different scenarios. For navigating through a map of squares for example, this value could be based on distance and steps taken. The algorithm processes neighboring nodes, adding all neighbors to an “open list” and then moving on to the lowest cost node in that list.

Given the open list begins with the start node (opposed to be empty), the main loop of the algorithm looks like this:

  1. Get next node from open list (now known as current node)
  2. Skip node if in closed list or out of bounds
  3. Add current node to closed list
  4. Remove current node from open list
  5. Process neighboring nodes (North, West, South, East)
    1. Set current node as parent of neighbor if weight is less

In all, the algorithm uses three lists:

  • Open List:  Keeps track of which nodes to search next and is ordered by weight
  • Closed List: Al nodes that have already been searched
  • Path: Linked list that connects the end node to the start node

To clarify on the path, there are actually multiple paths that exist because less efficient paths may be found before the most efficient path. The end node will have the final path, and that is all we care about.


Next we’ll go over the structures and functions involved with this algorithm. One core structure is the node.

Node Structure

As mentioned before, this is implemented in C++ and the graph is comprised of nodes.

Here is the Node structure with only its members:

struct Node {
    int x;
    int y;
    int index = 0;
    int distance;
    bool blocked = 0;
    int weight = 0;
    Node *parent = NULL;

I use indices to keep track of nodes. This includes determining which node is the start and end, as well as which nodes have already been processed (closed list) and which nodes should be processed next (open list).

Note: The index  struct member is there for convenience, so a coordinate to index lookup doesn’t need to be run every time.

The path list mentioned before is a linked list created through the parent  struct member, which points to another node.

Grid and List Structures

Nodes are stored as pointers in a vector. The open list is implemented as a multiset with the comparison function, NodeComp, so sorting is automatically done. Lastly, the closed list is implemented as a vector of ints that stores the indexes.

typedef std::multiset<Node*, NodeComp> NodeList; // So we don't need to type out the full definition everywhere

NodeList open_list; // Node pointers to process
std::vector<int> closed_list; // Node indices already processed
std::vector<Node*> grid; // All nodes

Out of Phase: Race Conditions and Shared Mutexes

This is part of a series for the Out of Phase game project that reflects on various stages, covering pros and cons of the creative process and implementation of the game.

Last year I started porting over the backend of my game from Python to C++. The reason for this move ties into my long-term goals as a game developer. Programming a multiplayer server has been something that has intrigued me for a while. The idea of creating a virtual environment that is continuously running and allows multiple players to interact with that environment in real time is fascinating to me.

At this time, my game will only support two players, but I would like to play around with adding more.  I’m doubtful this will be a massively multiplayer game, like World of Warcraft or Elder Scrolls Online, since that would be a huge amount of effort. So maybe up to four players.

Real-time games that support multiple players typically require some special handling of synchronizing the game state as it is updated from the player’s clients. Without synchronizing, race conditions will occur which will result in erroneous and unpredictable ways.

So in this post, I’ll be covering how to avoid race conditions in C++ threads by using locks and mutexes.

Race Conditions

Let’s take a code snippet as an example (this is make believe pseudo code):

void attackGoblin(Monster* goblin) {
    int health = goblin->getHealth();
    health -= 10;

Race Condition 1

Ok. So the problem here is what happens when two players are attacking this goblin at the same time. Just because this code is wrapped in a function, doesn’t mean each block of code gets executed sequentially. It’s possible that the lines of code being run between each player may be executed in a mixed order.

Let’s assume that goblin->getHealth  and goblin->setHealth  read and write the current health value from or to memory. (But they don’t use synchronization)

Two players are attacking a goblin with 500 health. Both players inflict 30 damage at the same time. We expect the goblin’s health to drop down to 440, but instead, it only drops down to 470. What happened?

(thread 1) int health = goblin->getHealth(); // getHealth returns 500
(thread 1) health -= 30; // local to thread 1
(thread 2) int health = goblin->getHealth(); // getHealth() returns 500
(thread 2) health -= 30; // local to thread 2
(thread 2) goblin->setHealth(health); // Goblin health is now 470
(thread 1) goblin->setHealth(health); // Goblin health is still 470

Where did the damage go? Well, it got overwritten because the instructions weren’t synchronized. Each thread keeps a separate copy of health and when the goblin’s health is changed in one of the threads, it never updates in the other.

Using SQLite in a Threaded Java App

A few months ago I decided to port my WoW data importer app from PHP to Java because the website was already built in Java. I also wanted to see if execution time could be improved in a multi-threaded app.

The PHP script stores the JSON returned from the WoW API into individual JSON files for each item. This means there are thousands of JSON cache files. There’s a second script that packs these responses into a single file, and then a third script that imports the data from the consolidated file in the second script.

The reason for this two-step process was to see the difference in time it took my script to process the individual files vs a consolidated file, as describe in my blog post on optimizing the PHP importer script.

This approach was overcomplicated and pretty inefficient. While writing the Java app, I wanted to create a cache source that didn’t require another script to pack the data, but was could be updated efficiently.

Choosing SQLite

At first, I tried Oracle BerkleyDB. Coding that up was pretty simple, and I got it working. However, I couldn’t find a good program to manage the BerkleyDB. The apps I came across either wasn’t specifically for BerkleyDBs or they required compiling, and I didn’t want to bother with that.

Since I’ve used SQLite in quite a few projects, it seemed like the next choice. While the mySQL database I’m putting the data into would have worked fine, that database could be remote, and I needed a local database to cache the API results into.

Threading Gotchas

A big challenge with SQLite is that you’re working directly with a file, and not a service like you do with mySQL. Because of this, special precautions need to be taken so that you don’t run into SQLITE_BUSY exceptions or accidentally corrupt your database by writing in two threads at once. This happened at least once while I was playing around with different configurations.

Tip #1: Share the SQLite connection between threads

Creating a shared connection should at least avoid corrupting the database. However, it’s still possible to come across the SQLITE_BUSY exception

Tip #2: Use a Lock

Sharing the connection worked very well at first. I was able to import data into a clean database without any problem. However, when the app was run again and started updated cache, I started running into SQLITE_BUSY exceptions.

Data Importer Optimizations

Nobody wants a slow application. Efficiently optimizing your application takes experience and constraint. You don’t want to prematurely optimize, but you also don’t want to code something subpar that will contribute to your technical debt and put your app in the grave early.

There is a balance that needs to be struck. Knowing when and how to optimize needs to become second nature so that it doesn’t interfere with the development workflow. Producing something so that it can be demonstrated often is more important than optimizing in many cases.

This post will cover a few optimization techniques associated to reading from files and running SQL queries. These tests are written in PHP, an interpreted language, though the techniques can be applied to other languages as well.

The Script

The program is basically a data importer. It takes item data from the World of Warcraft API and updates a mySQL database. Before this script runs, the Warcraft JSON data is saved in a single file delimited by a newline character. This single file, which acts as a cache, allows me to focus on optimizing the local operations without network overhead.

XDebug Setup

XDebug for PHP has a useful profiling feature. When profiling is enabled, XDebug will store the profiling data in the directory specified, and the file can be read with KCacheGrind (Linux) or WinCachGrind (Windows).

xdebug.profiler_output_dir=\Users\Justin\Misc Code\Profiling\php7

Optimizations and Tests

The complete dataset consists of 99,353 records. There are empty records which take up a newline, so the text file contains 127,000 lines.

Base Test


I started off with a PHP script that was purposely designed to be slow. Each item was stored in its own cache file.

For each item:

  • Open the item specific data file
  • Check if there is JSON data (move onto next line of JSON if none)
  • Parse JSON
  • Query database for existing record
  • Execute insert if no existing record
  • Execute update if record exists

This took 2 hours and 37 mins. This is absolutely horrible. The good news is there are quite a few things that can be optimized here.

Here is one thing to keep in mind in regards to speed, the closer your data is stored to the processor, the faster it can be processed.

CPU Cache < Memory < Hard Drive < Local Daemon < Network/Internet.