
Hello, my name is Justin Osterholt. I am a software engineer who leads projects to solve problems and give users quality experiences.

Thanks for showing interest and taking the time out to check me out. I have put together some info that should help give an idea of who I am and what I do.

I can be reached on my LinkedIn profile, which has a basic work history and project list.

Who I am

I love games, programming, and technology. I live in California, and am a member of the IGDA. I work on games and game-related websites as a hobby.

My active projects include two World of Warcraft podcast/social websites, and an action adventure RPG that is in early development.

What I do

I am a lead full stack programmer/developer with over 10 years experience in web and desktop application engineering. I specialize in server-side programming and web technology.

What does full stack mean?
I have in-depth experience with all technical layers of an application, the environment it runs in, and the services it depends on. I am able to take on specialized tasks on any of those layers efficiently.


  • Web Standards (HTML5 / CSS / JavaScript)
  • LAMP (Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHP)
  • MEAN (Mongo / Express / Angular / NodeJS)
  • Python / Django / Gunicorn
  • Java / Jetty / Spring
  • C# / Unity


  • HTML5 technology with native code (hybrid apps)
  • Cross platform and device deployment
  • Application performance and development cycle efficiency
  • Scalable applications